・ 辻 輝彦
・ 1970年, 東京都出身, 東京在住.
・ 1990年初頭からアンダーグラウンド・ミュージックシーンに深く関わりを持つようになり "HELLBENT"として活動を行う. その後,多岐に渡る活動を行い '97年に終止符をうつ... そして十年の歳月経て2007年に再結晶という形で ”ASSFORT” のGr."佐藤嘉希"とDr."村上正人"が正式メンバーとして加入した. 遡って,'96年に自らのインディペンデント・ブランド"Anti Good"を創立する.'97年から"AG"にレーベル名称が変わり,綱領的性質の基に,共闘者の"中西堂氏"と数多くの デザインを手掛けてきた.2006年より"AG"を離れ,拠点を自身の新規プロダクトに移し,プロレタリアート的根源を持たせ"SÏVA"を派生する.
・ designer: TERUHIKO TSUJI
・ Born in Tokyo 1970, resident in Tokyo.
・ Known in broad activities in a band “HELLBENT” and independent fashion lebel “SÏVA”. His interest in underground music scene since 1990 led him to create a band “HELLBENT” until the closure in 1997. After 10years of blank he restarted "HELLBENT" in 2007,with two new members from “ASSFORT”, Gr: "Yshiki-Sato" and Dr: "Masato-Murakami". Restarting of this band means “recrystallization” of his music. Besides his activity in the band had he started working on “Anti Good” back in 1996, a Men’s fashion lebel with "Takashi-Nakanishi". With their attitude of taking variable concepts, “Anti Good” had been renamed to “AG” in 1997 and became one of the famous lebel with unique items. Since the departure from AG in 2006 until today, he has created new label “SÏVA” with the distinctive concept “Proletariat”.